Senin, 21 Mei 2012

IP Address

is a logical address for a network adapter. The uniquely identifies computers on a TCP/IP network.

An can be private - for use on a local area network (LAN) - or public - for use on the Internet or other wide area network (WAN). es can be determined statically (assigned to a computer by a system administrator) or dynamically (assigned by another device on the network on demand).

Two ing standards are in use today. The IPv4 standard is most familar to people and supported everywhere on the Internet, but the newer IPv6 standard is planned to replace it and starting to be deployed.

IPv4 addresses consist of four bytes (32 bits). Each byte of an is known as an octet. Octets can take any value between 0 and 255. Various conventions exist for the numbering and use of es.

Common IP (IPv4) Addresses -
Also Known As: IP numberSuggested ReadingInternet Protocol TutorialUsing es on Home NetworksWhat Is An Conflict?IPAddress - Related TopicsTCP/IPARP - Address Resolution ProtocolNAT - Network Address TranslationRelated ArticlesDynamic Definition - What is Dynamic ?IP - What Is IP (Internet Protocol)?Linux Network Administrators Guide - esStatic Definition - What is Static ? - Localhost

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